Historic handmade glass beads for modern times:
Welcome to my online shop!

Welcome to the Hagedisenhain online shop. I offer hand-made glass beads based on finds from various excavation sites in Europe, as well as creative glass jewelry
Questions and special requests can be made using my contact form.



fibula chain
glass beads after gravefinds

glass beads and vikingbeads

For several thousand years, mankind in all cultures has been fascinated by jewelry in different variations. And people made their jewelry from a wide variety of materials very early on: gold, silver, bronze, bone, stone - and glass. One of the oldest documented types of glass jewelry are the wrapped glass beads, named after their production method. Glass itself was probably first used around 3500 BC. Produced in Mesopotamia and Anatolia. It is widely believed that the manufacture of glass was discovered "by accident". The addition of metal oxides to the raw glass creates a wide variety of colors. If you look through the individual categories in the shop, you can discover the variety of colors. Don't be confused by the matt, often porous glass beads in some museum showcases. The glass jewelry of our ancestors was certainly just as colorful and radiant as the glass beads made today. The "languor" was caused by the acids in the layers of the earth, in which the pearls sometimes lay for millennia.


I make glass beads at historical markets and city festivals in a charcoal forge with a bellows. Visitors who want to try it themselves can do so under my guidance and make their own glass bead and take it with them as a souvenir. I make the glass beads for sale at my craft stand and here in the online shop on a modern two-gas burner in my workshop in Berkenbrück in Brandenburg. Through extensive research, numerous museum visits and many experiments, I am now able to produce a wide range of pearls from the Celts, Teutons, Vikings, Slavs and other cultures. Again and again I implement other ideas and fulfill requests for modern glass jewelry and very special unique items. I get the glasses used, for example, from the Lauscha paintworks in Thuringia (Germany), from the Effetre company near Murano in Venice (Italy) and from the Reichenbach glassworks in Saxony (Germany).

Our advice

necklace Birka grave 49
7,50 EUR
7,50 EUR per piece
Necklace Straubing Germany 6./7. century
44,00 EUR
44,00 EUR per piece

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